Tightening of the Upper Arms without Scars

Fotolia_88806211_MDue to conti­nuous reduc­tion of elasti­city of the connec­tive tissue caused by aging, or due to the effects of signi­fi­cant weight reduc­tion, one can encoun­ter an exces­sive amount of spare skin especi­ally on the upper arms. This unfort­u­na­tely appears to be strikin­gly evident when wearing clothes without sleeves.

Apply­ing the techni­que of opera­tive (and with brand-new laser techno­logy as well non-opera­tive!) skin tightening, this unattrac­tive appearance can be favour­a­bly influen­ced.

It will be the task of an indivi­dual consul­ta­tion to figure out which method will prove best for your needs. We would be happy to be at your dispo­si­tion for such an evalua­tion, and we are confi­dent to be able to hereby clarify your indivi­dual approach.

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion



Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 overnight stay

Back to work:

after app. 7 days