Operation/Reduction of the Male Breast

Appro­xi­m­ately 30 to 50% of all men suffer from enlar­ged breasts. The so-called “gynae­co­mastia” (Greek: women’s breasts) repres­ents a benign single- or double-sided enlar­ge­ment of the male mammary gland, caused by either an increased storage of fatty tissue in the breast area, or, alter­na­tively an enlar­ge­ment of the more fibrous glandu­lar tissue fraction.
Also hormo­nal disor­ders, obesity, alcohol, or medica­ti­ons like Corti­sone or anabo­lic agents may cause an enlar­ge­ment of the mammary gland. Gynae­co­mastia often starts at early stages during the natural “hormo­nal turbu­len­ces” in puberty.
Before deciding on an opera­tion, an exami­na­tion of the hormo­nal situa­tion is highly advisa­ble. Suita­ble labora­tory or radio­lo­gi­cal exami­na­ti­ons will be coordi­na­ted and perfor­med by your family physi­cian.

Depen­ding on the outcome, we would most commonly advise you to undergo liposuc­tion, e.g. PAL (power assis­ted liposuc­tion). For most patients this method will satis­fac­tory lead to desired effects with at the same time minimal invasi­ve­ness.

Only in very distinct cases an additio­nal glandu­lar reduc­tion, someti­mes combi­ned with a resec­tion of the exces­sive amount of skin, will prove to be neces­sary, whereby the scar will be positio­ned just on the border between the skin and the more inten­si­vely colou­red nipple-areola-complex, thus camou­flaging the surgi­cal approach.

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion



Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 overnight stay

Back to work:

after app. 7 days