Breast Enlar­ge­ment Villa Bella

Below you will find detailed infor­ma­tion concer­ning the variety of treat­ments of the female breast to be conduc­ted at VILLA BELLA.

13503754_mWhy in the first case is a woman interes­ted in something like this? There is of course a wide variety of reasons, however, almost always it all comes down to one single wish: in that very beautiful, sensi­tive and indis­pu­ta­bly female way they want to feel attrac­tive (again?). Let us intro­duce you to the most popular method to do so:

A two inch-long cut is conduc­ted in the area of the lower breast crease. From here, an implant (nowadays mostly consis­ting of silicone gel) is inser­ted into a surgi­cally created “pocket” either below or above the pecto­ra­lis muscle. This techni­que is by far the most well estab­lished, most commonly used, and at the same time most conve­ni­ently bears the lowest risk. Especi­ally when the new contour of the breast should not be overly empha­si­zed.

The desire of a natural and not “opera­ted-on-looking” appearance is perfectly under­stan­da­ble. We will discuss all details of a poten­tial treat­ment with you, and will be happy to explain the indivi­dual process of selec­ting your future size, form and hereby techni­que of enlar­ge­ment.

Online appoint­ment

Make your appoint­ment easy, fast and online with us.
Make your appoint­ment now!
Aren’t you from around Munich and prefer to know first, which treat­ment would be best for your? Then make use of our video consul­ta­tion with Dr. Meyer and get your appoint­ment now!

Opening hours

Mon: 9 am — 6 pm
Tue — Thu: 9 am — 8 pm
Fri: 9 am — 6 pm
Sat: 11 am — 5 pm
* Satur­day appoint­ments on request 3 times per month


+49 (0)89 / 217 549 430



Brien­ner Str. 14
80333 München

General Infor­ma­tion


General. Local with Inver­ted Nipples

Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 overnight stay; 2 nights in Breast Reduc­tion; day care in Inver­ted Nipples

Back to work:

7 days (by the latest)