Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Tightening — The Catch Of Beauty

The eyes are the window to our soul…

27477494_mJust within a few seconds they create a remai­ning impres­sion. Your looks tell, reveal, and hide. The blink of an eye can be dulled through influen­ces like exhaus­tion, stress factors, smoking and sunlight.

During the aging process, the skin above and below the eye will start wearing out, the buoyancy reduces, and additio­nal fatty tissue, especi­ally at the lower eyelids, can lead to retrac­ted lids and tear bag forma­tion.

You want to freshen up your “tired view” and reattain the feeling of “good looks”, VILLA BELLA´s team will be able to intro­duce diffe­rent possi­bi­li­ties, custo­mi­zed to your needs..

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion


local, analgo-sedation (if needed)

Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

upper eyelid — day carelower eyelid — 1 Overnight Stay

Back to Work:

after app. 5 days