Breast Reduc­tion and Breast Lift

36731540_mBreast Reduc­tion

Breast reduc­tion can prove to be neces­sary even in the case of young women. Heavy and someti­mes oversi­zed breasts unfort­u­na­tely often are respon­si­ble for severe backa­ches and painful muscu­lar tension. Those heavy and exces­si­vely big breasts can cause both psycho­lo­gi­cal and bodily tortures.

Depen­ding on your breast type and situa­tion there are diffe­rent techni­ques you can benefit from: while lifting or stream­li­ning the breast, only the skin and not the gland and fatty tissue is reduced. In addition to that the position of the nipple-areola-complex will be moved up, back to where it came from.

During a breast reduc­tion the heavy and volumi­nous breast tissue will also be reduced and additio­nally the breast will be moved up and stream­li­ned as descri­bed above.

All forms of opera­tive treat­ments for this purpose leave a scar around the reduced and trans­fer­red nipple-areola-complex, stret­ching verti­cally from there down to the lower breast crease. Unfort­u­na­tely, health insurance compa­nies do see their respon­si­bi­lity to reimburse you for this correc­tion in less and less cases. In general, from their side it’s mostly not regarded as a medical neces­sity…

Due to medical reasons breast reduc­tion will only be opera­ted in an in-patient fashion. We would be happy to inform you about the most advisa­ble techni­que during a non-commit­tal consul­ta­tion.

Breast Lift

Depen­ding on age, follo­wing pregnan­cy/-ies, or after having under­gone decisive weight changes, the fatty tissue as one of the breast compon­ents vanis­hes and the breast, especi­ally follo­wing repea­ted periods of breast feeding, starts sagging.

With close regard to the indivi­dual situa­tion there are diffe­rent opera­tive techni­ques which can be applied. Addres­sing one commonly asked question of our patients, one has to state that the pecto­ra­lis muscle below the breast can be stimu­la­ted and trained. However, this muscle does not influence the appearance of the breast. On the contrary: the form of the breast almost exclu­si­vely depends on the consis­tency of your skin and the tissue of the mammary gland itself. A well-trained and volumi­nous muscle unfort­u­na­tely exposes a sagging, badly filled breast even more.

When the breast tissue is still present in a decent amount, and it only appears to be a little bit flabby, restruc­tu­ring of the breast contour can be achie­ved by appli­ca­tion of a breast implant, leaving nearly no scars. For details please refer to chapter “Breast Enlar­ge­ment”. Due to your indivi­dual setting, a breast lift can be conduc­ted. Additio­nally, but not neces­s­a­rily, this can be combi­ned with a breast implant. Depen­ding on the quantity of breast tissue, elasti­city of skin and conside­ra­tion of the desired cup size in many cases one can refrain from inser­ting an implant.

The indivi­dual and optimal approach of breast correc­tion will be discus­sed with you indivi­du­ally. During this consul­ta­tion we will be happy to intro­duce you to all the details and techni­ques.

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion


General. Local with Inver­ted Nipples

Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 overnight stay; 2 nights in Breast Reduc­tion; day care in Inver­ted Nipples

Back to work:

7 days (by the latest)