Dr. med. Alejan­dro Avila-Ferru­fino

Alejan­dro Avila-Ferru­fino, MD, is a specia­list in general surgery and a specia­list in plastic and aesthe­tic surgery. He joined Dr. Ludger Meyer’s team at Villa Bella as a medical specia­lilst in August 2023.

Our specia­list for breast treat­ments and treat­ments with Sculp­tra

Dr. Avila-Ferru­fino is an extre­mely accom­plished surgeon and already gained a lot of experi­ence at the Univer­sity Hospi­tal Munich or LMU Munich during his training in his hometown of Munich. Just like the head physi­cian of Villa Bella, Dr. Ludger Meyer, Dr. Avila Ferru­fino is highly trained with two medical specia­lists (specia­list in general surgery and specia­list in plastic and aesthe­tic surgery). His treat­ment focus is especi­ally in the area of breast surgery. However, Dr. Avila-Ferru­fino also specia­li­ses in treat­ments without a scalpel or major surgery, such as treat­ment with the Sculp­tra biostu­mi­la­tor for the body’s own colla­gen produc­tion.

Parti­cu­larly important for Dr Avila-Ferru­fino: A detailed consul­ta­tion with plenty of time to be able to respond precis­ely to the patient’s wishes and ideas. The type of inter­ven­tion is indivi­du­ally adapted to the patient and her current circum­s­tances and ranges from minimally invasive to classic surgery.

Further infor­ma­tion on the career of Dr Avila-Ferru­fino

After study­ing human medicine at the LMU/TUM in Munich, he successfully comple­ted his PhD in 2013 on the topic of “Resident dendri­tic cells limit post-ischae­mic acute kidney injury using single immuno­glo­bu­lin IL‑1 recep­tor-related protein” with MAGNA CUM LAUDE.

As a specia­list in general surgery and a specia­list in plastic and aesthe­tic surgery, Dr Avila-Ferru­fino is our bilin­gual expert for breast surgery and treat­ments with the Sculp­tra biosti­mu­la­tor. Born in Munich, Dr Avila-Ferru­fino is fluent in both German and his second mother tongue, Spanish.

Main areas of treat­ment

  • Correc­tions of the female breast (Breast enlar­ge­ment, Breast reduc­tion and lift)
  • Liposuc­tion – Bodycon­tou­ring (Bodycon­tou­ring, Upper arm lift, Leg tightening)
  • Anti Aging Treat­ments with Sculp­tra, Filler, BBL Photo­the­ra­pie or Azzalure
  • Facial contou­ring with filler (Chin correc­tion, Nose job und Lip correction)

Our patients’ feedback

A look into the practice — 360 degree tour

Career of Dr Alejan­dro Avila-Ferru­fino:
PDF-Download Curri­cu­lum vitae Dr. Avila-Ferru­fino

Curri­cu­lum Vitae
since 08/2023Plastic surgeon at Villa Bella Munich11/2021 to 07/2023Senior physi­cian in the private practice for plastic and aesthe­tic surgery Dr. med. univ. E. Spirk, Munich
since 09/2021Specia­list for Plastic and Aesthe­tic Surgery06/2022 to 07/2022Training assistant at the Clinic for Plastic, Recon­s­truc­tive and Hand Surgery and Burn Centre of the Munich Clinics, Bogen­hau­sen Clinic
04/2020 to 10/2021Further training assistant in the Depart­ment of Plastic and Aesthe­tic Surgery, Red Cross Hospi­tal Munich06/2019Specia­list for General Surgery
2013Docto­rate in medicine with MAGNA CUM LAUDE2005 to 06/2012Medical studies (LMU/TUM)

Online appoint­ment

Make your appoint­ment easy, fast and online with us.

Make your appoint­ment now!

Aren’t you from around Munich and prefer to know first, which treat­ment would be best for your? Then make use of our video consul­ta­tion with Dr. Meyer and get your appoint­ment now!

Opening hours

Mon/Tue:  9 am — 8 pm
Wed:  9 am — 6 pm
Thu:  9 am — 8 pm
Fri:  9 am — 6 pm
Sat:* 10 am — 6 pm
* Satur­day appoint­ments on request 3 times per month


+49 (0)89 / 217 549 430


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Brien­ner Str. 14
80333 München