Modern Scar treat­ments at Villa Bella Munich

Narbenbehandlung in München

Have your scars not healed well? Scar correc­tion helps to remove excess tissue and improve the appearance of the skin.

Scars and what we can do to reduce them

Scars, dents and inden­ta­ti­ons are parti­cu­larly noticeable on the face, décol­leté or hands. In some cases they are not only a cosme­tic but also a functional impair­ment. However, there are now various opera­tive and non-opera­tive proce­du­res to minimize scars and improve the appearance of the skin.

Infor­ma­tion on the proce­dure for scar treat­ment

Scars can have many causes: after opera­ti­ons, injuries or burns, the body creates new tissue to close the wounds. What remains are scars, which in some suffe­rers disap­pear comple­tely over time, in others they remain visible for a lifetime. So far, scars cannot be comple­tely removed, but thanks to modern therapy methods, a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in size is possi­ble.

Surgi­cal scar treat­ment is a proven thera­peu­tic method. After we have removed the scar tissue, we sew up the wound or close it with a skin graft. If the scar extends to the surroun­ding skin areas, we combine the opera­tion with radia­tion treat­ment to prevent the scar from growing further.

Some scars are reddened and thicke­ned a long time after their forma­tion, and someti­mes they are itchy. In these cases, a corti­sone treat­ment can help, in which a special device, the Dermo­jet®, is used to inject corti­sone and a local anesthe­tic into the scar.
We use the Macro­lane® product, a naturally occur­ring, but synthe­ti­cally produ­ced, large-volume sugar molecule in the body for reces­sed scars or dents that have arisen after liposuc­tion. This is injec­ted under the drawn-in area under local anesthe­sia in order to plump it up from below.

We also offer scar treat­ments with our laser — the Sciton Contour Laser — in our practice. This state-of-the-art Erbium: YAG laser makes it possi­ble to gently ablate excess tissue and contract widened scars. It is a rarity in German practi­ces, although treat­ment with this state-of-the-art laser has many advan­ta­ges. We will be happy to clarify whether this proce­dure is suita­ble for you in a detailed consul­ta­tion.

General infor­ma­tion

Local anesthe­sia or ointment anesthe­sia

Duration of hospi­tal stay:
not neces­sary

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