Tummy Tuck (Tightening of the Abdomi­nal Wall)

Leistung - Bauchdeckenstraffung

You are familiar with the problem: genetic or inheri­ted predis­po­si­ti­ons very often can result in fatty deposits in undesi­red amounts in even more undesi­red places… They strikin­gly affect appearance as well as aesthe­tic propor­ti­ons of both, men and women.

In case of female patients, follo­wing (multi­ple) pregnan­cies or a signi­fi­cant weight reduc­tion, muscu­lar struc­tures of the abdomi­nal wall can be stret­ched over their elasti­city limits, and thus being worn out, sagging, and having lost their tension. Due to these effects the abdomi­nal wall arches, and very often surplus abdomi­nal skin is seen to be sagging over its natural borders – a very unsatis­fac­tory percep­tion of the patient will be the conse­quence, often leading to even psycho­lo­gi­cal impair­ment. You don’t even want to show this to your partner, let alone exposing it for example at the beach.

VILLA BELLA´s team is prepared to deal with that: when tightening the abdomi­nal wall the exces­sive and flabby skin below the belly button will be removed. Someti­mes, if neces­sary, combi­ned with the suturing of the under­ly­ing muscu­lar struc­tures, thus re-estab­li­shing the tonus of the abdomi­nal wall. During this proce­dure, the form of the belly button can also be altered, if wanted. Finally a flat and taut abdomen reappears.

Since this is neces­s­a­rily a surgi­cal proce­dure, there has to be a scar. We usually place it in the area of a cesarean section, and it will be indivi­du­ally adapted to your prefer­red style of under­wear and swimwear in order to achieve the best possi­ble camou­flage.

It is important to us to stress the fact, that the tightening of the abdomi­nal wall is an opera­tion to be taken seriously in terms of the wound area, as well as the postope­ra­tive respect you have to pay to the resul­ting wound healing proces­ses. Minimi­zing the risk of poten­tial compli­ca­ti­ons requi­res an exact evalua­tion, prepa­ra­tion, statio­nary care (usually 3–4 days), as well as preope­ra­tive clari­fi­ca­tion and eventual elimi­na­tion of indivi­dual risks. Please go ahead and bug us on all these issues!

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion



Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

2 nights

Back to work:

after 10–14 days