
Aren’t you looking for a smoot­her, tighter facial appearance while still looking naturally?

  • Laser treat­ment – no visible incis­i­ons
  • Revolu­tio­nary new proce­dure, has already proven very successful in the US, follo­wing FDA approval
  • Will let you appear 8–10 years younger, without having to tolerate the risks of a tradi­tio­nal surgi­cal proce­dure like scars, haematoma, hair loss, or facial nerve impair­ment
  • Decisi­vely less expen­sive, compared to a conven­tio­nal opera­tion


The combi­na­tion of a TotalResurfa­cingLaser with a fractional Erbium:YAG-Laser, put together into the SCITON CONTOUR Laser Platform System, is tremen­dously successful applied in North America for quite some years already. Wrink­les and creases, dyspig­men­ta­tion marks, facial tightening — it deals with a wide range of indica­ti­ons.

After more than 100 treated patients, we know that this revolu­tio­nary laser system can effec­tively replace an opera­tive facelift in the majority of patients that were formerly asking for facial tightening.

As the country’s first and exclu­sive provi­der of this proce­dure, we will further on function as the Natio­nal Study and Training Center for an ongoing scien­ti­fic evalua­tion of the techni­que, as well as for training purpo­ses for medical person­nel inten­ding to install the proce­dure. We would like to see this as a further proof of the techno­lo­gi­cal advan­tage we are proud to put at your service.

You are interes­ted in further infor­ma­tion? Then we would encou­rage you to get into contact with us!

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion


local, regio­nal, or general

Fashion of Treat­ment:

Day care

Back to work:

depends greatly on which area is being treated with what inten­sity. 3–10 days