Intimate Correc­tions

Pubic Mound Correc­tion

Hormo­nal changes during the clima­c­te­ric period or obesity in men as well as women are the most frequent reasons for a thicke­ned pubic mound – too much subcu­ta­neous fat has been accumu­la­ted.

The reduc­tion is easily perfor­med by liposuc­tion of the exces­sive fatty tissue. In some cases it will prove to be neces­sary to combine the liposuc­tion with a tightening of the skin, hereby removing an exces­sive amount of locally exten­ded skin tissue. In connec­tion with someti­mes a tummy tuck the lower abdomen will appear flat, taut and attrac­tive again.

We would be glad to be at your dispo­si­tioVB Photo Change 1n for a noncom­mit­tal consul­ta­tion.

Correc­tion of the Labia

Perfectly propor­tio­ned inner labia are barely covered by the outer labia. When the inner labia appear to be extru­ding, they are poten­ti­ally to be seen while wearing sports clothes or a bathing suit, and can afflict the bearer’s comfort decisi­vely. Let alone mecha­ni­cal irrita­tion while biking, running or simply wearing tight pants.

In some of the cases known to us, this can ultim­ately lead to extra­or­di­nary irrita­tion and eventually to a negatively afflic­ted intimate percep­tion.

We would be glad to be at your dispo­si­tion for a noncom­mit­tal consul­ta­tion.

General Infor­ma­tion for Pubic Mound Correc­tion


Nerve blockage, Analgo-Sedation, or General Anaes­the­sia

Treat­ment Fashion:

Day care

Back to work:

after app. 5 days

General Infor­ma­tion for Labia Correc­tion


Nerve blockage, Analgo-Sedation, or General Anaes­the­sia

Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 Overnight Stay

Back to work:

after app. 5 days