Hand Remodel­ling

28873808_mDuring the process of incre­asing age, or even caused by certain life habits, nutri­tion, and medica­tion, reduc­tion of the fatty tissue below the skin surface in the area of the back of hand can be obser­ved. Muscu­lar and bony struc­tures will become visible. Conse­quently, the hand starts looking bony, fragile, and “somewhat unhealthy and old”, as many patients use to describe it to us.

Aesthe­ti­cally this can be influen­ced by profes­sio­nal hand model­ling, e.g. by means of Lipotrans­fer (inser­tion of own body fat into the folds and creases) which can create the looks of a rejuve­na­ting cure. Also, the skin´s age marks can be removed with the appli­ca­tion of the most sophisti­ca­ted laser techni­que available on the market.

During the course of a detailed consul­ta­tion we would be happy to intro­duce you to all the details and techni­ques. Please, let us know if we could be of any assis­tance to you!

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion


local or regio­nal

Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

not neces­sary

Back to work:

after 2–3 days