Hand Remodelling
During the process of increasing age, or even caused by certain life habits, nutrition, and medication, reduction of the fatty tissue below the skin surface in the area of the back of hand can be observed. Muscular and bony structures will become visible. Consequently, the hand starts looking bony, fragile, and “somewhat unhealthy and old”, as many patients use to describe it to us.
Aesthetically this can be influenced by professional hand modelling, e.g. by means of Lipotransfer (insertion of own body fat into the folds and creases) which can create the looks of a rejuvenating cure. Also, the skin´s age marks can be removed with the application of the most sophisticated laser technique available on the market.
During the course of a detailed consultation we would be happy to introduce you to all the details and techniques. Please, let us know if we could be of any assistance to you!
„Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder” William Shakespeare
General Information
local or regional
Duration of Hospital Stay:
not necessary
Back to work:
after 2–3 days