Does your buttocks appear to be too flat?

Not only very petite patients wonder if this is the case.

Interes­t­ingly this proves to be a major concern for male patients who other­wise appear in a well trained muscu­lar shape. A flat buttock appears unfavour­a­bly broad, thus afflic­ting the propor­tion in an area where men and women pay a lot of atten­tion to. However, by deploy­ing speci­ally formed buttock implants, compa­ra­ble in style and material to silicone implants of the breast 46182659_mand there­fore well estab­lished and secure, this contour can favour­a­bly be influen­ced.

A desira­ble “apple-shaped” buttock can be the result.

Eventually sagging skin will be “filled” again from below, thus creating a more vital, more sportive and “simply sexy” feeling.

We would be glad to be at your dispo­si­tion for a noncom­mit­tal consul­ta­tion.

„Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der” William Shake­speare

General Infor­ma­tion



Duration of Hospi­tal Stay:

1 Overnight Stay

Back to work:

after about 7 days