Dr. Ludger Meyer

Dr. Ludger Meyer, Plastic surgeon and head of Villa Bella in Munich

Dr. Meyer is a cosme­tic surgeon in Munich and advises patients in the Villa Bella practice on requests and questi­ons before and after plastic-aesthe­tic treat­ment. As the chief physi­cian of our clinic, he perso­nally accom­pa­nies all treat­ments and is available to advise his patients both before and after an opera­tion.

Beauty lies in the eye of the behol­der

- Dr. Ludger JM Meyer MD

Ludger Meyer is a specia­list for Surgery and Plastic Surgery.


years of experi­ence


successful surge­ries


beauty treat­ments


happy patients

Your expert

But what is beauty? And who defines it? Is your perso­nal beauty being evalua­ted by an outside obser­ver? Yes, and there can be very diffe­rent obser­vers: your partner, your friends, you yours­elf, we… – and who´s judgment is right? Who is finally and ultim­ately autho­ri­zed to say: you are beautiful!? This indeed often turns out to be a little bit tricky because almost all the people being inter­wo­ven with you presume that kind of a judge­ment.

Honestly: very often these are subjec­tive percep­ti­ons being related to the obser­ver. Just as diffe­rent as the persons judging you are, so widespread and diffe­rent will be their judgments. Finally, you get to the point where you’ll figure out: I can’t meet the diver­sity of the expec­ta­ti­ons being direc­ted to me. So, why should I even try doing so? And you are right! Because now you are where you should be if dealing with a decis­ion concer­ning your appearance: be yours­elf.

Let us get straight: Would you feel comfor­ta­ble if I, as somebody who could really influence this decis­ion, would try to press you into my perso­nally percepted ideal form? Certainly not. It only depends on you, only on you and again on you!

Of course it is our privi­lege and also our respon­si­bi­lity to intently listen to you, to discuss what is possi­ble and what is not. There­fore we are happy to provide our perso­nal profes­sio­na­lism as well as the profes­sio­na­lism of our complete team – you should by all means not look or feel like your prede­ces­sor or your succes­sor. Our common objec­tive shall be the refine­ment, the support, as well as the under­li­ned empha­sis of your indivi­dua­lity. For that we stand with our history, our persons and our name. And with us, our complete team. Chall­enge our word!

Reasons why 82000+ patients trust Dr. Meyer

Natural beauty

Who defines the very subjec­tive concept of indivi­dual beauty — if not YOU yours­elf?! Dr. Meyer puts experi­ence, knowledge and the most modern techni­ques at your service, so YOUR wishes can come true:
We stay true to your perso­na­lity!

Unique possi­bi­li­ties

Many years of experi­ence in all kinds of diffe­rent surgi­cal methods, combi­ned with high-end equip­ment of the most varied and modern laser variants, enable Dr. Meyer to replace surgie­ries with non or less invasive treat­ments in many cases.

Precise results

Some things are suppo­sed to show results quickly, others should last a long time — prefer­a­bly both. Safety is our top priority, but so are your indivi­dual wishes! We do every­thing to ensure you’ll be able to enjoy the results of your treat­ment for a long time!

Feel-good atmosphere

We love our work! Warm, easy-going, cheerful and profes­sio­nally compe­tent — that is the whole team, especi­ally Dr. Meyer himself. In the beautifully furnis­hed rooms of Villa Bella in the heart of Munich we want you to feel comfor­ta­ble as our guest!